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Minerals stability in the mantle transition zone and their effects of mantle plumes
Magma generation: change of magma composition from mid-oceanic ridge to the supra-subduction zone
Tectonic evolution of Sinai complexes
Trace elements mobilization in subduction zone
Geochemical signature variation toward the end of Precambrian Eon
Gold mineralization: devolatilization processes
Polyphase strain caps
Multistage tectonism during Gondwana Collision
Strike-slip core complexes
Exhumation during oblique transpression
Igneous Petrology
Thesis writing in geosciences
Lithosphere journal
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Geological Society of Africa
CloudEARTHi granted 1.2 million Euro from the EIT (EU)
600,000 NOK - a research grant for the CloudEARTH project
Mayada Eldeeb, a new master student studies the tectonic evolution of Wadi Sikait-Abu Resheid area