The majority of geological investigations that deal with the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS) comply with the processes of ocean closure, subduction, orogenesis and crustal growth related to the assembly of Gondwanaland in the late Neoproterozoic. Otherwise, valuable current published discussions emphasize the development of the Arabian–Nubian Shield in the light of the configuration of Rodinia (assembly and rifting) and the Mozambique Ocean. The tectonic implications of the advanced geochronological and structural data reveal that some of the ANS rocks are related to older crustal material and affected by tectonic events can be related to the early ensimatic stage of the Mesoproterozoic Rodinia breakup. The scope of ophiolites and related mélanges rock units as remnants or fragments of historic oceanic lithosphere provides essential information on an oceanic magmatic complex predating the accretionary and collisional stages of continental margin evolution of the ANS. Understanding the complete tectonic evolution of the Arabian–Nubian Shield needs particular emphasis on structural, petrological, geochemical and geochronological implications of the early ensimatic stage of the Rodinia breakup.

Rodinia configuration at ~ 750 Ma, modified after Hoffman (1991), showing the Mozambique Ocean. This is a SWEAT configuration. Subduction zone location guided by Spencer et al. (2015).